Our best most optimal optimized state of well being
Your Navigation Tool for Life
What is Earthing (Grounding)? …..
Do you live a life mostly indoors, in a building, covered by structures, working indoors? Is the amount of time of your day spent mostly indoors compared to the time you spend daily outdoors with nature? Your body & your health are affected & impacted by how little or how much amount of time you spend being connected to the Earth. This is you vital navigation tool for your life.
Carolynn Younghusband can tell you exactly what happens to your body instantaneously when you touch the earth, what happens to your body after a few minutes of grounding, after a few hours, after a few days, and even years of connecting to the earth. There are huge changes to your physiology when you touch the earth and those changes give you important and immediate health benefits. If you have any kind of health concern(s) like mental/emotional/physical stress, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, low self-esteem, low energy, low vitality, diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, insomnia or any other health concerns, you are going to want to know about the supportive effect grounding has on your body.

One of the most commonly asked questions Carolynn receives is: “How much Earthing do I have to do each day to make a difference?»
Always, & anything makes a difference. There is no amount of Earthing that is too quick or too small to make a difference on you or an impact on your body’s physiology. There is no time too short.
Instant change Earthing for 1 second: muscle, brain, skin, pain relief
Changes within Minutes: Circulation, Oxygenation, Blood pressure, Blood sugar
Medical studies are showing & proving that there is an immediate benefit from a split second touching a leaf, going for a walk, standing barefoot at night outside & looking up at the stars.
Anti-aging benefits, anti-cancer benefits, chronic disease, repetitive stress & inflammation.
When we are decreasing stress & inflammation on the body & mind, then we are relieving the incidences of these diseases. Earthing does this. Simple.
Physiological immediate changes. The interrelationship of bodily systems are positively affected & boosted. Increased resiliency, more adaptability, faster recovery time & less pain from stress, hence, less or no inflammation. Your ability to navigate life becomes more efficient. From here, fast forward into your future with a decrease in inflammation & relieved instances of stress on your body/mind & then Earthing can be understood to promote anti-aging.
No time is too short. The instant you ground for a split second, you will receive a spontaneous change.
So go outside & touch 1 leaf for 1 minute. Go barefoot & get your mail. Before you go to bed, go stand outside & look up at moon & starts. That 1 second is beneficial to you & your physiology.
There is no amount of time being connected to the Earth that is too long. An entire lifetime is not too long to being connected to the Earth.
To begin your own practice of Earthing, join Carolynn Younghusband as she hosts her Earthing Retreats and Workshops in Nosara, Playa Guiones Costa Rica
Watch this short video trailer for upcoming film ‘Down To Earth’
To Register for Carolynn’s upcoming Earthing Wellness Retreat ™ please email
Carolynn Younghusband’s vision is to help people heal, connect, and thrive, not just in their physical health, but also in all aspects of their lives – Mind, Body and Soul.
Carolynn Younghusband is a personal & professional wellness consultant, enthusiast, expert, holistic practitioner including Alternative Medicines and treatments. Carolynn Younghusband is also the creator, designer of Earthing Retreats – Connecting to Your True Essential Human Nature.
We are our own healer. If you feel a sense of need or pulling of yourself, requiring a catalyst to spark and guide you to connect with your true essential human nature, this retreat offers exactly the environment necessary to provide this.
Let’s come together in Carolynn’s Earthing retreats and bring a positive change to each and every one by discovering and remembering from the inner child of how to connect our Mind, Body & Soul in the surroundings of nature and with the rhythm of Mother Earth!
Come experience the profound beneficial effects of Earthing, connecting yourself with nature, with Mother Earth and your overall health. Earthing retreats and Carolynn Younghusband are a simplistic yet profound, milestone experience for your life ~ awaiting for you to be discovered.
Send us an email at to set up a Skype session for a discussion of your healing journey or to get registered.
Carolynn offers both Workshops in Costa Rica and also Private, Semi-Private and Small Group Earthing Retreats. Retreat dates, location, pricing are ONLY available as dates and location are set. For private & semi-private retreats, please contact Carolynn at

Nosara is located in the beautiful province of Guanacaste in the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica along Playa Guiones.
Nosara is a very magical place and Nicoya is one of the Blue Zones areas of the world where the culture is organically healthy and the way of life is a ‘lifestyle’. The Blue Zones are 5 areas around the world where researchers have discovered people live the longest.
Find out more about Blue Zones.
Let’s come together in Carolynn’s Earthing retreats and bring a positive change to each and every one by discovering and remembering from the inner child of how to connect our Mind, Body & Soul in the surroundings of nature and with the rhythm of Mother Earth!
Come experience the profound beneficial effects of Earthing, connecting yourself with nature, with Mother Earth and your overall health. Earthing retreats and Carolynn Younghusband are a simplistic yet profound, milestone experience for your life ~ awaiting for you to be discovered.
Send us an email at to set up a Skype session for a discussion of your healing journey or to get registered.
More links on magical Pacific Coast Costa Rica:

For Details and Registration please email Carolynn at
Free 21 Day Wake Up & Dream Challenge
With all the amazing changes, demands, and shifts currently surfacing in this world, are you content to accept your life “As Is”, or do you want to take part in a positive transformation and evolution?
Carolynn will share 21 holistic practices (7 per week) that will help you to shift your mind, body and soul in order to vibrate on a higher level and step into love and abundance. Plus you’ll receive monthly tips to stay healthy and balanced.
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