Carolynn offers patient-centered bio-individual whole wellness care to help people get healthy and stay healthy. An Intuitive Healer and Wellness Consultant, she practices one-on-one coaching using holistic wellness therapies. This gives clients practical guidance on how to design a healthy lifestyle that they love. Carolynn’s treatment strategies take an integrative approach by combining Mind, Body & Soul by using a combination of a variety of holistic healing therapies, and non-invasive modalities such as:
Carolynn believes in empowering her patients in their own health and advocates for them as they journey towards their optimal wellness. By integrating the full Mind, Body and Soul, Carolynn ensures you will not only stay on your path to enhanced wellness, you will be forever living your personalized Elixir of Wellness.

My Goal Is Sustainable Wellness not a
Co-dependent Wellness
My goal is to help patients achieve and maintain wellness. Together we examine what their needs are in order to achieve sustainable wellness. I encourage my patients to be educated and empowered. I do not impose my desires and decisions onto them because ultimately, each of us must take responsibility for our own health.
I Practice Ancient Healing Traditions
My Wellness practice is based on the wisdom of ancient healing traditions. I fully embrace my experience, knowledge & expertise with non-traditional complementary wellness & healing treatments such as nutrition, supplements, herbs, bodywork, holistic coaching, stress reduction, Reiki, yoga and meditation. In addition to using a wide array of therapeutic techniques, I always take into account the patient’s belief systems, attitudes, feelings, social relationships and environment. I also look at their patterns of eating, working, resting, sleeping and exercising and never lose sight of the body’s ability to heal itself. And finally, my role as a practitioner includes teaching my patients to get healthy and inspire them to stay healthy.

Mind, Body and Soul Are All Connected
I believe there is no separation of mind, body, and soul. Thoughts, attitudes, and belief systems have an enormous impact on your physical well-being. Conversely, if your body is ailing, your mental health will be compromised. All of our body parts are connected and influence each other. The body has an innate capacity to heal itself, and that our world reflects our health. My vision is to help people heal, reconnect, and thrive with their true essential human nature ~ Mind, Body and Soul.
Free 21 Day Wake Up & Dream Challenge
With all the amazing changes, demands and shifts currently surfacing in this world, are you content to accept your life “As Is”, or do you want to take part in a positive transformation and evolution?
Carolynn will share 21 holistic practices (7 per week) that will help you to shift your mind, body and soul in order to vibrate on a higher level and step into love and abundance. Plus you’ll receive monthly tips to stay healthy and balanced.
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