Carolynn Younghusband is a Registered Health Coach and member the Health Coach Alliance. Registered Health Coacing is recognized and covered by most insurance companies. Check your insurance benefits to see if you have this benefit coverage and BOOK NOW for your Registered Health Coaching program with Carolynn!!
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) is the world’s largest nutrition school, empowering people to transform the world.
Each human has the need to be nurtured. From birth to death, humans seek comfort and nourishment from others of their kind, from pets, from possessions, from careers, from addictions and other aspects of life. Many of us, if not most of us, feel alone, that our needs have not been or are not met by our parents, our relationships we make, the work we do, or the lifestyle we lead. We may even go as far to forget our deep internal, unintegrated emotional pain by acquiring addictions to alcohol, sex, drugs, drama etc just to avoid or get “out of ourselves’ in order to not feel ourselves and therefore, to not feel our unintegrated emotional ‘pain’. As dissatisfied, disconnected, emotionally suppressed humans we have forgotten or suppressed our true self, and live our lives in a complete disconnect from our True Essential Human Nature.
Carolynn’s Healthful Soul Coaching aims to educate & support people to build healthy new habits and create sustainable lifestyle changes. These one on one sessions and programs are for you if you are ready and committed to make changes in your quality of life and health. Carolynn believes that once we are ready to allow ourselves to reconnect to our true essential human nature, reconnect with our feelings we can develop a presence communication with our bodies and mind that is not based upon addiction, shame, fear, guilt, or anger. Rather, being fully connected in our true essential human nature we will relearn how to respond being present, rather than responding to our life ~ from past experiences or living/thinking in the future. Getting connected NOW and living in the now.
This personal program is designed to align your inner spiritual life with your outer life. It’s a process, it’s a committed journey that helps to clear away mental, emotional and physical clutter so you can hear the messages from within. Healthful Soul Coaching will also help you to discover your purpose in life so you can design a life that supports that mission.
Carolynn works with her clients to overcome emotional eating, addictions, toxic or abusive relationships, manifest self-love & self-care, learn how to eat healthy quality food, gain more energy, empower themselves with redefining their boundaries in life, become motivated to be physically active, rediscover it is never too late to revitalize their ageless vitality, reverse aging & /or slow their aging process, rediscover their authentic passion for life, and find a healthy balance between work, play, relationships, and spiritual practice. Using a philosophy that’s been adopted from her own personal life experiences in addition to her formal training which she proudly carries and offers to share with the world as her Medicine in her Medicine bundle.
All Wellness Healing consultations will use a complete health history intake and review to consider your current and past health/life areas. Once this is complete, Carolynn will personally review your health intake forms to schedule an online session with you to discuss and review the key areas that you would like to address in addition to giving you the opportunity to ask questions about how you can be assisted on your personal journey of transformation.
Carolynn’s Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching can help you to:
- CREATE healthful nutrition and eating habits
- LEARN how to listen to your intuition, and body for preventative wellness
- ADOPT daily self-care techniques to sustain a balanced healthy level of wellness
- TRANSFORM your life by learning how to reconnect to your True Essential Human Nature
- RECLAIM your power by developing a sense of Self
What Does a Soul Coach Do? As a soul/spiriutal coach Carolynn helps her clients navigate challenges, find deeper meaning, align with their soul mission, move towards their heartfelt desires and dreams. Carolynn may use various holisitc healing tools to support her clients’ journeys and act as a guide or mentor for their journey of awakening. All sessions are personally dsigned and unique to you and your own journey!
Why Soul Coaching? People choose to work with soul/spiritual coaches for many reasons which may include helping them:
- Shift into a more positive mindset,
- Navigate difficult life challenges,
- Develop a stronger sense of empowerment,
- Understand their true direction/mission,
- Remove internal blocks to happiness,
- Move beyond past wounds,
- Awaken their intuition,
- Manifesting what they truly want in life.
Working with Carolynn you will:
- Discover your hidden challenges that are holding you back
- Rewrite your OWN story the way YOU intend it
- Change the beliefs that no longer serve you into beliefs that EMPOWER and uplift you
- Find your passion in your life
- Find the self love and confidence you dream of
- Get crystal clear on the vision for your helath and wellness life moving forward
- Attract what you WANT instead of what you DON’T
- Live your life with Joy and Ease!
What will we look at during our time together?
- We will review your daily diet and overall nutrition.
- We look at the programming from our past, from our parents/caregivers, teachers, peers, employers
- We will look at the negative emotions we hold inside ourselves as suppressed emotions and blocks to the flow of energy in our lives
- We will look at old belief patterns
- We will look at old patterns of behaviour
- I will show you new ways to empower yourself and create healthy self-care habits.
- I will give you new ways of thinking and acting that truly EMPOWER you, with mindful visualization to improve your quality of wellness (Mind, Body, Soul) and how these techniques you can enable your own Self-healing process.
Carolynn’s Healthful Coaching or Soul Coaching Program will help you release yourself from the programming of your past. It was created by Carolynn Younghusband based on her own personal healing and life journey in addition to her professional coaching certification education that Carolynn obtained with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York under the founder of IIN Joshua Rosenthal.
Contact Carolynn at to inquire about a wellness consultation or soul coachng consultation session today via
WhatsApp +1 416 320 6908 the phone or via video call to see if you both are a good fit to work together!

During your first consultation we will review and discuss your health history intake in order to determine your health and/or life goals.
Each 60 minute Skype consultation will include discussion, insight, monitoring, outsourcing to other medical and holistic practitioners where appropriate, educational resources and/or modification to your personalized holistic healthful coaching or wellness treatment plan.
This will also include ongoing wellness updates and accountability check-ins to keep you on your path of wellness, health, and healing.
Book your holistic health wellness coaching or soul coaching session now!
Complimentary Telephone Consultation
15 minutes Your practitioner will call you at your time scheduled. Ask your questions you have about your wellness, self-care or to discover if this practitioner is a “good fit” for you to work together.
60 minutes $225 plus HST
*RHC is covered by most insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company
Initial Registered Health Wellness Consultation Intake
$225 plus HST
60 minutes First Coaching Session $200 plus HST
45 minutes Follow Up Coaching Session $155 plus HST
30 minutes Follow Up Coaching Session $110 plus HST
15 minutes Check In $55 plus HST
*Registered Health Wellness Coaching Package
$621 plus HST
*This package includes the initial consultation Intake plus three, 45 minutes sessions
Insurance Coverage For RHC
Some insurance companies are partially covering our Licensed Registered Health Coaching RHC services. Please check with your insurance company to see if Registered Health Coaching (RHC) is covered under your plan.
Contact Carolynn at to inquire about a consultation session via video call or phone to see if you both are a good fit to work together!
Insurance Coverage
Some insurance companies are partially covering our Licensed Registered Health Coaching services. Please check with your insurance company to see if Registered Health Coaching is covered under your plan.
Free 21 Day Wake Up & Dream Challenge
With all the amazing changes, demands and shifts currently surfacing in this world, are you content to accept your life “As Is”, or do you want to take part in a positive transformation and evolution?
Carolynn will share 21 holistic practices (7 per week) that will help you to shift your mind, body and soul in order to vibrate on a higher level and step into love and abundance. Plus you’ll receive monthly tips to stay healthy and balanced.
Subscribe to receive Carolynn’s 21 Day Wake Up & Dream Challenge Now!
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