“Every life form has one common mission as well as their individual ones. Each life form is created to learn to be an equal contributor to the beauty of the whole. The purpose of the common mission is to discover who you are, why you are, why you are here, what talents you can use to assist the whole, and how you are going to go about it. This mission of discovery is the Sacred Path of Beauty that allows every living creature to express uniqueness in a way that exemplifies harmony and truth.” ~ Jamie Sams
Life is all about energy … getting anything done requires energy to make things happen. What if there is a source of energy untapped that lies within you? The mystics referred to this as your original divine blueprint; today we refer to this as our DNA.
It can boost your innate abilities, help you move forward, access higher potentials, and begin to change how you make decisions, think, and feel.
This time-tested method has inspired people to permanently reduce stress, move past barriers, and, over time, achieve breakthroughs in their daily lives. It infuses your body with pure Light, making its way through blocks, issues, and weaknesses that we may not even be aware of. It’s the first step to becoming who we truly are.
The Life Activation can be described as a light shining into the basement of the subconscious mind. It makes visible what was hidden in the shadows; but more than that, it gives you the ability to work through what you see. It is really an empowering experience that has helped transform the lives of thousands of people just like you! This method of healing is one of the foundations of human progress and growth.
It establishes the groundwork for deeper healing. Sometimes effects are immediate and obvious, while for others results can sometimes be subtle (drawing healthier boundaries, slowly increasing self-confidence, increased insight, reduced stress, a subtle sense of knowing more about yourself and trusting your intuition and path, etc.)
The Life Activation is such a tool, allowing you to blast away those things which hinder you from growth and success in life.
Improve Your HealthThe Life Activation is more than a powerful way to increase your potential, but also your health. It strengthens your immune system and helps you push through not only emotional and mental blocks but physical ones as well.
The benefits from this powerful and truly transformative healing modality are countless. Some of the great benefits include but not limited to are:
- Relief from anxiety and stress
- Becoming physically infused with Light
- Allowing you to see more clearly who you are and where you can go
- Greater physical energy and mental acuity
- Increased emotional stability
- Strengthened immune system and response
- Assistance in breaking of old unhealthy habits (like smoking, etc.)
- Increased brain function and thought clarity
- Assistance in increasing personal abundance
- Assistance in creating positive relationships
This is a 2-hour session that includes an alchemical water-based formula (called Purificato & Crystalis) to assist the body to assimilate this extra light and yield faster results.
For more information on Life Activation sessions go to https://elixirwellness.ie/our-services/life-activation/
Contact me today for a FREE 15 minutes consultation to find out how a Life Activation session will align you with your true path and discover who you truly are with your talents you are meant to be honour!
Email carolynn@elixirwellness.ca to RSVP for your personal consultation date and time
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